Student 研究 Opportunities

student doing research in biology lab

Student research activities in the 理学院 are central to the San Jose State University mission 有三种方式:

  1. 研究 expands the base of human knowledge,
  2. Engagement in research is a pathway to student success, and
  3. 研究活动编织了丰富每个成员生活的学术挂毯 of the university community.

How do I join a research group?


1. 浏览教师领导的研究小组的网站,选择两个或 三个你感兴趣的.  The links for research groups in each department are below!  大多数教师接受 research students year-round, whenever there is a good fit.

研究 groups in each department:

2. 给你感兴趣的两到三个研究小组的教授发邮件 and request an appointment to talk about research. It is helpful if you tell the professor your current year (i.e. 一年级,二年级, 等.),你的专业和专注,以及任何可能为你做准备的课程 this 科研训练 experience.

3. 与教授见面,询问你的项目是什么,需要多长时间 承诺是必须的. 这也是一个很好的机会,可以亲眼看到每个教授的指导 style is like and if it is a good fit for you.

当你找到一个很合适的研究导师,他们会给你提供研究培训 experience, accept their offer! Usually, you should enroll in at least 一个 unit of 你每学期参加一个180度的课程(本科生研究) 学院研究导师. These 180 units can count toward elective units in many majors. 玩得开心! This may well prove to be 一个 of the most transformational experiences in 你的职业生涯.

还有,看看这些 student research support programs 看看你是否有资格参加这些由菠菜网lol正规平台指导的联邦资助项目 faculty that could provide you with financial support. 

Frequently Asked Questions